Hemp seed oil 250, ml

  • Hemp seed oil 250, ml

    Price 7.90 
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  • By taking care of our own hemp farm and responsibly following the production process, we can ensure the quality from sowing the seeds to bottling the oil. Jorus hemp oil is cold-pressed using pure hemp seeds grown without pesticides and herbicides, while preserving all the mineral properties of the oil. Hemp seed oil is rightly considered a source of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. 

    By taking care of our own hemp farm and responsibly following the production process, we can ensure the quality from sowing the seeds to bottling the oil. Jorus hemp oil is cold-pressed using pure hemp seeds grown without pesticides and herbicides, while preserving all the mineral properties of the oil. Hemp seed oil is rightly considered a source of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

    Ingredients: cold-pressed hemp seed oil (100%). 

    Weight: 250 ml.